Luego de 4 años en varias cosas y sobre todo reformulando su carrera musical, Carlos Alberto su nombre de pila nos trae una propuesta fresca, diferente y de la mano de un gran equipo de trabajo; una extraordinaria producción musical.

R-vin y Mike Pa´ que lo Bailes

La canción "Pa´que lo bailes" presenta fusiones de techno, dubstep, merengue, reggaetón, electro house e instrumentos latinos, siendo clara expresión del naciente género Latin Cool.

El Proximo 15 de abril Marilannee Con Demi Lovato

La banda venezolana de powerpop será la encargada de dar inicio al show en los espacios abiertos de la Universidad Metropolitana. "Artista Pop" y "Solo", serán parte del repertorio.

LYRIK se puso "A dieta de ti"

Los líderes del Latin Pop LYRIK, presentan su nuevo sencillo "A dieta de ti" con sus ya conocidas letras jocosas y divertidas. Carlos Stanbury y Frank Figuera también refrescan su imagen y banda en vivo ofreciendo un show impecable en sus presentaciones..

Puro Melao Renovado

La conocida agrupación Puro Melao integrada por César Román, Juan Carlos y Daniel Runfola regresan RENOVADOS con "Ya No Quiero", tema que ya suena en las principales estaciones radiales del país. PURO MELAO, también estrena imagen e integrante y en los próximos días lanzara el video clip de su tema promocional, dirigido por Endry Rovaz.

Nuevo Episodio

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2022

Kenapa Ujian IELTS Penting untuk Melayakkan Anda Mohon Pengajian ke Universiti di Luar Negara?

1. Kelas English Dewasa/Kerja & Tuition MUET/iELTs - RM69 shj!

2. Servis Proofread, Translate B.M - English & Transkripsi Audio/Video > Text/Subtitle

3. Khidmat tukar Hardcopy (scanned) > Word / Upah Tesis / Rephrase Artikel

>> http://www.MyCambridge.blogspot.my  @  https://carousell.app.link/B8JjvdsQgrb

Melanjutkan pengajian ke luar negara sememangnya impian. Tetapi persoalannya adalah apakah syarat kelayakan permohonan terutamanya syarat kelayakan bahasa?. Anda sedia maklum bahawa UJIAN MUET wajib diambil untuk melayakkan anda masuk ke pengajian ijazah di universiti awam atau swasta di negara ini tetapi bagaimana pula dengan universiti luar negara?. Adakah mereka menerima kelayakan MUET?. Jika tidak apakah ujian kelayakan Bahasa Inggeris yang diterima oleh majoriti universiti luar negara untuk kemasukan ke universiti mereka?. Jawapannya adalah peperiksaan IELTS.



Apakah itu IELTS?


IELTS merujuk kepada Sistem Penilaian Bahasa Inggeris Antarabangsa (IELTS). IELTS adalah ujian penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris paling popular di dunia dan menjadi penanda aras kepada tahap penguasaan bahasa inggeris pelajar di seluruh dunia. Sekiranya anda memperolehi skor yang baik dalam peperiksaan ini, ianya bakal membuka peluang yang luas untuk anda belajar di mana-mana sahaja universiti terkenal di seluruh dunia, bahkan memohon pekerjaan di luar negara!.



Untuk pengetahuan anda, IELTS telah membina reputasinya di seluruh dunia sejak penubuhannya 28 tahun yang lalu dan lebih daripada 2.5 juta pelajar menduduki ujian ini pada tahun lepas. Dengan sijil bahasa Inggeris ini, universiti luar negara akan dapat mengukur tahap penguasaan anda sekaligus kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan baik apabila melanjutkan pengajian di universiti mereka kelak.


Kenapa kelayakan IELTS sangat berguna?


  • Diiktiraf di seluruh dunia
  • Ujian yang tepat untuk mengukur kecekapan bahasa Inggeris anda
  • Syarat kemasukan untuk belajar di luar negara dan syarat untuk memohon biasiswa
  • Meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris untuk peluang pekerjaan yang lebih luas terutamanya di luar negara
  • Kelayakan standard untuk semua pelajar antarabangsa


Bagaimanakah Struktur Ujian IELTS?


Peperiksaan IELTS di Malaysia dibahagikan kepada empat bahagian dan dinilai pada setiap peringkat. Ianya lebih kurang sama dengan ujian MUET iaitu penilaian melibatkan aspek percakapan, membaca, menulis dan mendengar. Purata keputusan IELTS membentuk skor band keseluruhan bermula dengan band satu hingga band sembilan (cemerlang). Ia juga dinilai dari segi skor 5 sebagai contoh, 4.5, 6.5 dan sebagainya. Berikut adalah penerangan mengenai struktur ujian secara spesifik :




Masa yang diperunukkan adalah 60 minit untuk menjawab soalan dibawah seksyen ini yang mengandungi 40 soalan. Seksyen ini dibahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian berlainan mengikut bentuk soalan seperti soalan objektif, mengenal pasti dan memadankan maklumat, melengkapkan ayat, dan sebagainya.




Ujian menulis, ianya dibahagikan kepada dua bentuk soalan. Soalan pertama, anda dikehendaki menulis laporan ringkas berdasarkan info grafik yang diberikan manakala soalan kedua pula adalah soalan berbentuk penulisan esei.




Mungkin sukar difahami cara orang lain bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris, tetapi dalam bahagian ini, anda akan diuji sejauh mana perhatian anda terhadap perbualan audio yang diperdengarkan . Sepanjang 30 minit, anda perlu mendengar setiap butiran perbualan berkenaan dan tandakan jawapan pada helaian jawapan masing-masing.




Bahagian ini dibahagikan kepada tiga subkategori yang berbeza, iaitu Bahagian I, II dan III. Pada Bahagian I, anda perlu menunjukkan kemahiran bercakap dengan mengadakan perbualan secara bersemuka dengan pemeriksa. Anda akan diminta untuk memperkenalkan diri dan memberikan jawapan ringkas kepada soalan yang diajukan. Masa yang diberikan adalah selama lima minit untuk menarik perhatian pemeriksa dengan kefasihan berbahasa inggeris.


Bahagian II pula,  anda perlu memberi ucapan selama dua minit mengenai topik tertentu yang diberikan oleh pemeriksa manakala bahagian 3 adalah soalan susulan berkaitan dengan topik di Bahagian II, di mana anda perlu menganalisa dan memberi pendapat anda.


Bagaimana hendak memohon untuk Ujian IELTS?


British Council Malaysia merupakan salah satu institusi utama yang mengendalikan ujian IELTS ini.

Diharapkan dengan perkongsian ini membantu mengejar impian anda untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke luar negara. Akhir kata, semoga berjaya untuk anda.

Untuk mengambil tuisyen IELTS anda boleh lawati - http://www.MyCambridge.blogspot.my


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lunes, 27 de junio de 2022


平面口罩 浤溢(兒童or成人) 醫療口罩 x1盒50片 $49  (原價$65元)
4D口罩 順易利(成人) 醫療口罩 x1盒10片 $59  (原價$79元)
酒精75% 坤展/宸鼎 不挑牌 隨機出貨 x1(500ml$49 (原價93元)
酒精75% 坤展/宸鼎 不挑牌 隨機出貨 x1罐(大罐裝4L$299 (原價410元)
非醫療血氧機 指尖式健康管理 x1台 $299  (原價580元)
全自動人體感應消毒槍 x1台 $289 贈高級漏斗食品級可折疊(1個) (原價339元)
霧化消毒槍 奈米藍光噴霧搶 x1台 $169  (原價290元)
小風扇 不帶電池插電式(6吋) x1台 $169  (原價250元)
小風扇 USB搖頭含電池(7吋) x1台 $399 贈插座轉換器(1個 價值$59元)   (原價499元

→ 訂購單點擊下載處:https://jiahon.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/summeractivities.xlsx

→ 訂購單點擊下載處:https://jiahon.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/summeractivities.xlsx

如有需要 歡迎請參考:
Line ID@162hmucb


jueves, 23 de junio de 2022

Re: App Designer / Developer....!



I'm contacting you to see if there are changes, upgrades, or enhancements that you'd like to make to your site, or if you're interested in rebuilding the site completely.


I design amazing looking websites for business owners and would love to show you what I can do.


I’m waiting for your reply.





martes, 21 de junio de 2022

There is an overdue payment under your name. Please, settle your debts ASAP.


Sadly, there are some bad news that you are about to hear.
About few months ago I have gained a full access to all devices used by you for internet browsing.
Shortly after, I started recording all internet activities done by you.

Below is the sequence of events of how that happened:
Earlier I purchased from hackers a unique access to diversified email accounts (at the moment, it is really easy to do using internet).
As you can see, I managed to log in to your email account without breaking a sweat: (roymarguia.correo@blogger.com).

Within one week afterwards, I installed a Trojan virus in your Operating Systems available on all devices that you utilize for logging in your email.
To be frank, it was somewhat a very easy task (since you were kind enough to open some of links provided in your inbox emails).
I know, you may be thinking now that I'm a genius.

With help of that useful software, I am now able to gain access to all the controllers located in your devices (e.g., video camera, keyboard, microphone and others).
As result, managed to download all your photos, personal data, history of web browsing and other info to my servers without any problems.
Moreover, I now have access to all accounts in your messengers, social networks, emails, contacts list, chat history - you name it.
My Trojan virus continues refreshing its signatures in a non-stop manner (because it is operated by driver),
hence it remains undetected by any antivirus software installed in your PC or device.

So, I guess now you finally understand the reason why I could never be caught until this very letter...

During the process of your personal info compilation, I could not help but notice that you are a huge admirer and regular guest of websites with adult content.
You endure a lot of pleasure while checking out porn websites, watching nasty porn movies and reaching breathtaking orgasms.
Let me be frank with you, it was really hard to resist from recording some of those naughty solo scenes with you in main role and compiling them in special videos
that expose your masturbation sessions, which end with you cumming.

In case if you still have doubts, all I need is to click my mouse and all those nasty videos with you will be shared to friends, colleagues, and relatives of yours.
Moreover, nothing stops me from uploading all that hot content online, so all public can watch it too.
I sincerely hope, you would really not prefer that to happen, keeping in mind all the dirty things you like to watch,
(you certainly know what I mean) it will completely ruin your reputation.

However, don't worry, there is still a way to resolve this:
You need to carry out a $1490 USD transfer to my wallet (equivalent amount in bitcoins depending on exchange rate at the moment of funds transfer),
hence upon receiving the transaction, I will proceed with deleting all the filthy videos with you in main role.
Afterwards, we can forget about this unpleasant accident. Furthermore, I guarantee that all the malicious software will also be erased from your devices and accounts.
Mark my words, I never lie.

That is a great bargain with a low price, I assure you, because I have spent a lot of effort while recording
and tracking down all your activities and dirty deeds during a long period of time.
In case if you have no idea how to buy and transfer bitcoins - feel free to check the related info on the internet.

Here is my bitcoin wallet for your reference: 1K8g3n8Z9t265pMYuhpKc8jfmPS6cY7Qcr

From now on, you have only 48 hours and countdown has started once you opened this very email (in other words, 2 days).

The following list contains things you should definitely abstain from doing or even attempting:
> Abstain from trying to reply this email (since the email is generated inside your inbox alongside with return address).
> Abstain from trying to call or report to police or any other security services. In addition, it's a bad idea if you want to share it with your friends,
hoping they would help. If I happen to find out (knowing my awesome skills, it can be done effortlessly,
because I have all your devices and accounts under my control and unceasing observation) - kinky videos of yours will be share to public the same day.
> Abstain from trying to look for me - that would not lead anywhere either. Cryptocurrency transactions are absolutely anonymous and cannot be tracked.
> Abstain from reinstalling your OS on devices or throwing them away. That would not solve the problem as well,
since all your personal videos are already uploaded and stored at remote servers.

Things you may be confused about:
> That your funds transfer won't be delivered to me.
Chill, I can track down any transactions right away, so upon funds transfer I will receive a notification as well,
since I still control your devices (my trojan virus has ability of controlling all processes remotely, just like TeamViewer).
> That I am going to share your dirty videos after receiving money transfer from you.
Here you need to trust me, because there is absolutely no point to still bother you after receiving money.
Moreover, if I really wanted all those videos would be available to public long time ago!

I believe we can still handle this situation on fair terms!

Here is my last advice to you... in future you better ensure you stay away from this kind of situations!
My advice - don't forget to regularly update your passwords to feel completely secure.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2022

嘉鴻關係企業 週報又來了6/21 各種手套,我最齊全!

Hi 大家好:
→ 各式手套,各種尺寸,各種厚度,各種用途,我最齊全!
→ 爆價如下(下述價格皆為含稅價) 

   PVC$80(盒)起 // 乳膠$126元(盒)起  //  NBR$135元起(盒)

  牛筋手套: 33元/雙 // 白棉手套(禮儀用、珠寶用)手套:$4元雙/
  同3M舒適手套:14元/雙起  // 耐熱矽膠手套 :$79元/雙

3.工廠/實驗室 專業系列手套
    MAPA // 美固手 // 真耐優手套:$84/雙起     

  皺膠系列 (超耐用):$15/雙起
      白紗、灰紗  //  - 點點 (防滑止滑小點點)        

  PU塗掌 $10雙起   //碳纖維 $16雙起  //乳膠指套 $168/包500g// 
  電子作業手套台製玫瑰牌)//白棉 $10雙起

Line ID@162hmucb


sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Money transfer

Hello Friend,

My name is Reem E. Al-Hashimi, the Emirates Minister of State and Managing Director of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020 Committee. I am writing to you to stand as my partner to receive my share of gratification from foreign companies whom I helped during the bidding exercise towards the Dubai World Expo 2020 Committee and also I want to use this fund to assist Coronavirus Symptoms and Causes.

I am a single Arab woman and serving as a minister, and there is a limit to my personal income and investment level. For this reason, I cannot receive such a huge sum back to my country or my personal account, so an agreement was reached with the foreign companies to direct the gratifications to an open beneficiary account with a financial institution where it will be possible for me to instruct further transferrals of the fund to a third party account for investment purposes which is the reason I contacted you to receive the fund as my partner for investment in your country.

The amount is valued at 47,745,533 Euros with a financial institution waiting my instruction for further transferral to a destination account as soon as I have your information indicating interest to receive and invest the fund, I will compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from the investment.

If you can handle the fund in a good investment, reply to this email only: reem.alhashimi@yandex.com

Best Regards,
Ms. Reem

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022

RE precision cnc parts project.

Dear Manager,

How are you?
Are you troubled about the aesthetic surface of your parts?
Are you worried about the quality of your suppliers?

Quick quote within 24h, fast delivery 1-7 days, machining service in the medical field for many years.
Reply and call me to get a free CNC machining quote and door-to-door delivery now.

We are a precision CNC machining parts service company who mainly focuses on as below,
*CNC machining parts
*CNC milling parts
*CNC turning Parts
*Plastic injection mould
*Die casting service

Do you have any project in hand? you can email me the details, i believe i will make you 100% satisfy.
Wish our products & services can help your business.

Best Regards
Lucy Chen
Runsom Precision Co.,Ltd
Address:  Building No.9,Hongshi Road No.52, Yantian,Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, China

domingo, 5 de junio de 2022

嘉鴻關係企業 週報又來了6/6

Hi 大家好:

   .乳膠: 9"合手款(馬來西亞/印尼)=$129/100隻)





  c5.韓國Genbody衛福部許可快篩劑(不得通訊交易,請回覆Email):  $278/2劑(盒)

