Luego de 4 años en varias cosas y sobre todo reformulando su carrera musical, Carlos Alberto su nombre de pila nos trae una propuesta fresca, diferente y de la mano de un gran equipo de trabajo; una extraordinaria producción musical.

R-vin y Mike Pa´ que lo Bailes

La canción "Pa´que lo bailes" presenta fusiones de techno, dubstep, merengue, reggaetón, electro house e instrumentos latinos, siendo clara expresión del naciente género Latin Cool.

El Proximo 15 de abril Marilannee Con Demi Lovato

La banda venezolana de powerpop será la encargada de dar inicio al show en los espacios abiertos de la Universidad Metropolitana. "Artista Pop" y "Solo", serán parte del repertorio.

LYRIK se puso "A dieta de ti"

Los líderes del Latin Pop LYRIK, presentan su nuevo sencillo "A dieta de ti" con sus ya conocidas letras jocosas y divertidas. Carlos Stanbury y Frank Figuera también refrescan su imagen y banda en vivo ofreciendo un show impecable en sus presentaciones..

Puro Melao Renovado

La conocida agrupación Puro Melao integrada por César Román, Juan Carlos y Daniel Runfola regresan RENOVADOS con "Ya No Quiero", tema que ya suena en las principales estaciones radiales del país. PURO MELAO, también estrena imagen e integrante y en los próximos días lanzara el video clip de su tema promocional, dirigido por Endry Rovaz.

Nuevo Episodio

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022

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lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2022


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lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022

Your personal data has leaked due to suspected harmful activities.

Hi there!

I am a professional hacker and have successfully managed to hack your operating system.
Currently I have gained full access to your account.

In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months.
The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously. ╭ ᑎ ╮

Let me explain to you what that entails. Thanks to Trojan viruses, I can gain complete access to your computer or any other device that you own.
It means that I can see absolutely everything in your screen and switch on the camera as well as microphone at any point of time without your permission.
In addition, I can also access and see your confidential information as well as your emails and chat messages.

You may be wondering why your antivirus cannot detect my malicious software.
Let me break it down for you: I am using harmful software that is driver-based,
which refreshes its signatures on 4-hourly basis, hence your antivirus is unable to detect it presence.

I have made a video compilation, which shows on the left side the scenes of you happily masturbating,
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment..ᵔ.ᵔ

All I need is just to share this video to all email addresses and messenger contacts of people you are in communication with on your device or PC.
Furthermore, I can also make public all your emails and chat history.

I believe you would definitely want to avoid this from happening.
Here is what you need to do - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 850 USD to my Bitcoin account
(that is rather a simple process, which you can check out online in case if you don't know how to do that).

Below is my bitcoin account information (Bitcoin wallet): 12nEVuGNtRFMVjeVmLtD4nt2sHX68S47yH

Once the required amount is transferred to my account, I will proceed with deleting all those videos and disappear from your life once and for all.
Kindly ensure you complete the abovementioned transfer within 50 hours (2 days +).
I will receive a notification right after you open this email, hence the countdown will start.

Trust me, I am very careful, calculative and never make mistakes.
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will straight away proceed with making your private videos public.

Good luck!

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Teknik Trade Divergence Bagus Untuk Di Pelajari

RM69 shj ! - Kursus Asas Bursa Malaysia / Kelas Saham Global & BitCoin (Trade Malam / Hujung Minggu  >> http://www.KLFX.blogspot.MY

Kenapa tajuk Teknik Trade Divergence Bagus Untuk Di Pelajari? Kenapa "BAGUS"? Pertama sekali sebelum menjawab persoalan itu, kena tahu apa itu divergence? Terdapat dua jenis divergence iaitu bullish divergence dan juga bearish divergenceApa itu divergence? Divergence adalah kejadian dimana pergerakkan harga tidak selari atau seiringan dengan pergerakan volume dan indicator. Apabila pergerakan tidak seiringan jika kita memahami tentang gerakan divergence ini kita boleh ambil peluang untuk entry sesuatu kaunter sebab boleh nampak boleh naik selepas itu ataupun exit dan elakkan dari masuk sebab boleh nampak akan junam selepas itu. 

Ok sebenarnya lebih senang lukis dari buat karangan sbb karangan 1000 patah perkataan pun kadang-kadang mesej yang ingin disampaikan tetap kurang jelas. Jadi, beginilah keadaannya kaunter divergence. Ada dua contoh iaitu bullish divergence dan juga bearish divergence :

Boleh nampak dengan jelas kan? kalau kita dapat detect kaunter yang buat bullish divergence hasilnya memang lumayan. Entry pun biasanya di tapak. Jadi risk reward ratio memang sangat berbaloi. Begitu juga dengan bearish divergence, jika kita dapat kenalpasti kaunter yang buat bearish divergence takde la kita nak kejar harga ataupun jika tengah hold kaunter tu boleh la ready untuk secure profit terlebih dahulu. Daripada image diatas dan penerangan ni setuju tak Teknik Trade Divergence Bagus Untuk Di Pelajari. Bukan hanya sesuai untuk trade chart saham akan tetapi untuk semua platform seperti kripto, oil, gold, fcpo, forex dan sebagainya. Jika pasaran dua hala seperti oil, fcpo dan forex keuntungan pasti lebih berlipat ganda sebab dua-dua divergence pun boleh profit. 

Kita belajar mcmmana setup untuk entry divergence jadi baru boleh profit dengan lebatnya. Yang penting entry di support. Saya akan kongsikan setup divergence time frame 30 minit jadi sesuai juga bagi sesiapa yang berminat untuk FIFO, Intraday atau hold kaunter beberapa hari. Teknik trade dan setup divergence ini bukan sahaja sesuai untuk trade chart saham tapi boleh juga digunakan untuk trade chart Forex, FCPO, Oil, Gold dan Kripto. Jadi memang berbaloi untuk pelajari dan subscribe video teknik trade divergence ni. 

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Susah nak faham tense bahasa inggeris?

Mengatakan "I eat fish" adalah tidak sama dengan berkata "I am eating fish."

Tapi apakah perbezaannya?

Bagi memahami mengapa dua penyataan ini berbeza, anda perlu memahami tenses Bahasa Inggeris terlebih dahulu.

Tenses memberitahu anda bilakah sesuatu perkara berlaku. Sekiranya tenses di dalam ayat anda salah, ia akan menyebabkan kekeliruan dan juga salah faham.

Proses belajar grammar dan tenses ini adalah sukar pada mulanya, namun apa yang anda sebenarnya perlukan adalah untuk mengingati beberapa struktur ayat, dan belajar beberapa peraturan ringkas.

Mulakan dengan membahagikan maklumat-maklumat yang ada kepada kumpulan-kumpulan kecil yang lebih mudah untuk difahami. Jom! Kita mula dengan perkara-perkara yang asas:

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

1. Kelas English Dewasa/Kerja & Tuition MUET/iELTs - RM69 shj!

2. Servis Proofread & Terjemahan Malay - B.Inggeris (Jurnal, Abstrak, Buku, etc)

3. Rewrite Tesis & Artikel / Transkripsi Audio/Video > Text/Subtitle

>> http://www.MyCambridge.blogspot.my  @  emel :  my_cambridge@yahoo.com

Went, Going, Gone!

Hanya terdapat tiga tenses yang asas di dalam Bahasa Inggeris; past, present, dan future.

  • Past tense digunakan untuk apa sahaja yang telah berlaku sebelum masa sekarang.
  • Present tense digunakan untuk apa sahaja yang sedang berlaku ataupun untuk penyataan am.
  • Future tense digunakan untuk apa sahaja yang akan berlaku pada masa akan datang.

(Terdapat juga perfect tense, tetapi artikel ini hanya akan menumpukan perhatian kepada tiga tenses asas dan ringkas seperti yang dinyatakan di atas sahaja.)

Tetapi, sudah tentu, jika ianya seringkas itu, anda mungkin tidak membaca artikel sebegini bukan?

Tenses ini mempunyai beberapa variasi yang membuatkan mereka menjadi lebih spesifik.

Kesemua variasi ini memperkatakan tentang masa yang tepat semasa sesuatu perkara itu terjadi.

Selain itu, ketiga-tiga tenses ini mempunya dua jenis variasi yang utama: simple dan continuous.

  • Continuous tenses digunakan apabila sesuatu perbuatan itu berlaku berulang kali untuk sesuatu jangka masa.
  • Simple tenses pula untuk segala keadaan selain daripada itu!

Anda akan dapat mengetahui secara tepatnya, bilakah saatnya anda perlu menggunakan sesuatu jenis tense, semuanya ada pada panduan seperti di bawah.

Oleh kerana past dan present tenses mempunyai hubungan yang sangat rapat, adalah lebih baik untuk mempelajarinya bersama-sama.

Manakala future tense akan dibincangkan pada bahagian akhir artikel ini.

Inilah panduan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris yang paling ulung, malahan, satu-satunya panduan yang anda perlukan untuk mula belajar grammar dan untuk mula memahami asas-asas penggunaan tenses.

Panduan Buat Beginner yang Mahu Belajar Grammar dan Tenses Bahasa Inggeris

Simple Tenses

Melihat kembali kepada contoh pertama yang digunakan dalam atikel ini; "I eat fish." Ayat ini menggunakan simple present tense.

Simple Present

Simple present tense kebiasaannya digunakan untuk tiga perkara:

1. Untuk menerangkan perkara-perkara yang kekal dan tidak berubah.

2. Untuk menerangkan kekerapan berlakunya sesuatu perkara.

3. Untuk memperkatakan tentang acara-acara yang telah dijadualkan.

Penggunaan tense ini adalah sangat mudah. Anda hanya perlu menambah -s pada hujung kata kerja (verb) apabila "he" atau "she" adalah orang yang melakukan perbuatan itu (he speaks, she eats).

Manakala, gunakan verb yang tidak berubah keadaannya apabila subjek lain yang melakukan perbuatan (we speak, I eat).

Jadi, anda perlu menggunakan tense ini jika anda mahu memberitahu seseorang perkara tentang diri anda seperti hobi, prinsip atau nilai yang anda rasakan betul, ataupun bertanyakan tentang sesuatu perkara.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh:

Jika hobi anda adalah bermain viola, anda boleh berkata; "I play the violin."
Dan oleh kerana ia hanyalah sekadar hobi, anda boleh menambah: "I am not a professional violinist."

Anda mungkin berasa bimbang tentang rakan anda jika mendapati dia menggigit kuku, kerana; "he bites his nails when he's nervous."

Manakala, jika anda dijemput menghadiri suatu parti hari jadi anjuran seorang rakan, anda mungkin perlu bersiap dengan segera kerana; "the party starts in an hour."

Mungkin juga, anda patut mengingatkan rakan anda yang lain supaya membawa hadiah kerana; "he never remembers birthdays."

Simple Past

Penggunaan simple past adalah lebih kurang sama dengan simple present.

Kata kerja bagi simple past menggunakan penambahan -ed (I walked, he smiled). Namun begitu, harus diingat bahawa terdapat banyak irregular verbs yang tidak menggunakan tambahan -ed ini, di mana anda perlu mempelajarinya secara berasingan (I spoke, he ate).

Berbeza dengan present tense yang menerangkan tentang masa sekarang, tense ini mengatakan tentang sesuatu yang telah pun berlaku ataupun mengenai fakta yang tidak lagi benar.

Gunakan simple past jika anda mahu menerangkan sesuatu perkara yang sudahpun selesai atau telah berlaku.

Perhatikan penerangan tentang satu perjalanan yang menggunakan simple past tense: "Last year I visited New York. I lived in a hotel for a month. I rode the train, took many pictures and walked all around Central Park." Apakah persamaannya? Ya, kesemua kata kerja yang digunakan menggunakan format yang telah lengkap; sudah selesai. Maka, kesemuanya menggunakan simple past tense.

Anda juga boleh menggunakan tense ini untuk sebab yang sama seperti simple present. Ia juga boleh digunakan untuk menerangkan tentang sesuatu hobi atau tabiat yang anda pernah ada pada masa lepas, ataupun sesuatu perkara yang anda pernah percaya akan kebenarannya.

Tambahan lagi, perkataan-perkataan seperti "used to" selalu digunakan untuk menerangkan tense ini.
Anda boleh mengatakan; "I used to play the violin when I was young" yang juga membunyai maksud yang sama seperti "I played the violin when I was young."

Continuous Tenses

Perkataan continuous itu sendiri bermaksud sesuatu yang sedang berlaku, yang masih berlaku pada saat ini.

Continuous tense ini menggunakan pengakhiran -ing pada hujung kata kerjanya (eating, speaking) bagi kedua-dua present dan juga past.

Tapi, tunggu sebentar! Bagaimana kiranya sesuatu itu boleh menggunakan past continuous tense jika ia sedang berlaku pada "saat ini"? Teruskan membaca untuk mengetahui penjelasannya.

Present Continuous

Anda boleh menggunakan present continuous untuk bercakap tentang sesuatu yang sedang berlaku sekarang sehingga kemudiannya.

Sebagai contoh, buat masa sekarang; you are reading this article. Atau mungkin; you're drinking some coffee or taking a break from work. Persamaan kesemua contoh ini adalah pada kata kerjanya yang menunjukkan kesemua perbuatan tersebut masih lagi terjadi pada masa perkataan tersebut diungkapkan.

Selain itu, dengan menambah perkataan-perkataan seperti "always" atau "constantly" anda dapat menunjukkan kekerapan sesuatu perkara itu berlaku. Sebagai contoh: "My mother-in-law is always complaining," atau "that child is constantly crying." Sungguhpun kesemua perkataan ini bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang bagus, sekurang-kurangnya, grammar dan tense yang digunakannya, betul!

Past Continuous

Tense ini digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu perbuatan yang diganggu atau terganggu disebabkan sesuatu. Contohnya, jika anda menerima panggilan telefon pada lewat malam, anda boleh berkata "I was sleeping last night when I got the call."

Anda juga boleh menggunakan tense ini untuk mengatakan sesuatu perbuataan yang berlaku pada masa lepas, contohnya; "I was already writing at 6 in the morning," atau "yesterday in the evening I was eating dinner."

Melihat ke masa hadapan

Ringkasnya, future tense memperkatakan tentang apa jua perkara yang masih belum terjadi lagi. Ia boleh berlaku beberapa saat mahupun tahun dari sekarang.

Simple Future

Secara jujurnya, memperkatakan perkara yang akan datang adalah sangat mudah; hanya tambahkan perkataan "will" atau "is going to" sebelum sesuatu verb yang tidak perlu diubah bentuknya.

Jadi, persoalannya, bagaimana anda membezakan bilakah masanya anda perlu menggunakan "will" dan bila masanya perlu menggunakan "is going to"?

Jangan terlalu bimbang tentangnya—gunakan sahaja salah satu daripadanya! Anda boleh berkata; "I will call you later," atau "I am going to call you later." Kedua-duanya betul.

Hanya terdapat sedikit sahaja perbezaan dari segi makna; "going to" biasanya digunakan untuk sesuatu perkara yang telah dirancang. Jadi, bagi contoh di atas, ayat yang pertama menunjukkan sesuatu yang lebih spontan (tanpa perlu berfikir terlalu banyak), sebaliknya ayat yang kedua berbunyi lebih kepada anda pasti akan menelefonnya semula.

Perbezaanya hanyalah sedikit sahaja dan anda boleh menggunakannya tanpa ada masalah. Namun, perlu diingat yang "will" digunakan lebih kerap dalam konteks membuat apa-apa janji dan pekara yang anda pilih, sebaliknya "going to" digunakan untuk sesuatu yang dirancang.

Kedua-duanya juga boleh digunakan untuk membuat jangkaan, atau sesuatu yang anda fikir akan berlaku. Anda boleh berkata; "the world will end in ten years," ataupun "the world is going to end in ten years." Kedua-duanya betul—tetapi harapnya jangkaan tersebut adalah tidak benar!

Future Continuous

Ini adalah cara yang terakhir untuk mengatakan tentang sesuatu perkara yang akan berlaku di masa hadapan. Ia juga mempunyai persamaan seperti past continuous.

Anda perlu menggunakan tense ini untuk mengatakan tentang sesuatu perkara yang mugkin akan terganggu atau terjejas pada masa hadapan. Ia juga digunakan untuk mengatakan tentang sesuatu yang akan berlaku secara tepat pada masa akan datang.

Hanya tambahkan -ing pada hujung kata kerja selepas perkataan "will be."

Contohnya, anda tahu yang rakan anda akan melawat pada esok hari, maka anda boleh memberitahunya untuk datang sebelum pukul 7 kerana; "we will be eating dinner at 7." Anda juga boleh memberitahu rakan anda; "will be waiting for you at the train station."

Rangkuman Ringkas Tentang Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Berikut adalah kesemua perkara yang telah kita bincangkan di dalam artikel ini, dirangkumkan ke dalam satu senarai ringkas;

  • Simple present
    • Sesuatu yang tidak berubah, bersifat umum, telah dijadualkan atau sesuatu yang berlaku pada sesuatu masa.
    • Format: "verb + -s."
  • Present continuous
    • Sesuatu yang berlaku pada masa sekarang atau akan berlaku dalam masa terdekat.
    • Format: "Is + verb + -ing."
  • Simple past
    • Sesuatu yang telahpun berlaku sebelum ini.
    • Format: "Verb + -ed."
  • Past continuous
    • Sesuatu perkara yang telah terganggu disebabkan oleh apa jua perkara atau masa.
    • Format: "Was + verb + -ing."
  • Simple future
    • Sesuatu perkara yang akan berlaku pada sesuatu tahap di masa akan datang.
    • Format: "Will + verb." / "Is going to" + verb."
  • Future continuous
    • Sesuatu perkara yang akan terganggu disebabkan sesuatu perkara atau masa.
    • Format: "Will + verb + -ing." / "Is going to" + verb + -ing."

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sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2022


Attention ATM Card Owner

This is a delivery parcel and package sorting facilty. The ATM Card in our sorting center is showing two delievery destinations/addresses which must have been done in error but has your email address on it which shows you must be the bearer with delivery code: 81129/VIP/Seal-1024. Kindly re-confirm your #NAME, #ADDRESS, #MOBILE NO. to enable the final delivery of this ATM CARD.

Kindly get back to me immediately via Email: ericphillips000000@outlook.com to avoid any redirection of the ATM CARD.


Eric Phillip
Email: ericphillips000000@outlook.com

You have an outstanding payment.

Hello there!

Unfortunately, there are some bad news for you.
Around several months ago I have obtained access to your devices that you were using to browse internet.
Subsequently, I have proceeded with tracking down internet activities of yours.

Below, is the sequence of past events:
In the past, I have bought access from hackers to numerous email accounts (today, that is a very straightforward task that can be done online).
Clearly, I have effortlessly logged in to email account of yours (roymarguia.correo@blogger.com).

A week after that, I have managed to install Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all your devices that are used for email access.
Actually, that was quite simple (because you were clicking the links in inbox emails).
All smart things are quite straightforward. (>_<)

The software of mine allows me to access to all controllers in your devices, such as video camera, microphone and keyboard.
I have managed to download all your personal data, as well as web browsing history and photos to my servers.
I can access all messengers of yours, as well as emails, social networks, contacts list and even chat history.
My virus unceasingly refreshes its signatures (since it is driver-based), and hereby stays invisible for your antivirus.

So, by now you should already understand the reason why I remained unnoticed until this very moment...

While collecting your information, I have found out that you are also a huge fan of websites for adults.
You truly enjoy checking out porn websites and watching dirty videos, while having a lot of kinky fun.
I have recorded several kinky scenes of yours and montaged some videos, where you reach orgasms while passionately masturbating.

If you still doubt my serious intentions, it only takes couple mouse clicks to share your videos with your friends, relatives and even colleagues.
It is also not a problem for me to allow those vids for access of public as well.
I truly believe, you would not want this to occur, understanding how special are the videos you love watching, (you are clearly aware of that) all that stuff can result in a real disaster for you.

Let's resolve it like this:
All you need is $1350 USD transfer to my account (bitcoin equivalent based on exchange rate during your transfer), and after the transaction is successful, I will proceed to delete all that kinky stuff without delay.
Afterwards, we can pretend that we have never met before. In addition, I assure you that all the harmful software will be deleted from all your devices. Be sure, I keep my promises.

That is quite a fair deal with a low price, bearing in mind that I have spent a lot of effort to go through your profile and traffic for a long period.
If you are unaware how to buy and send bitcoins - it can be easily fixed by searching all related information online.

Below is bitcoin wallet of mine: 12gHyoR78pjHpfueWUYyMudnwNMc6NGEPY

You are given not more than 48 hours after you have opened this email (2 days to be precise).

Below is the list of actions that you should not attempt doing:
> Do not attempt to reply my email (the email in your inbox was created by me together with return address).
> Do not attempt to call police or any other security services. Moreover, don't even think to share this with friends of yours. Once I find that out (make no doubt about it, I can do that effortlessly, bearing in mind that I have full control over all your systems) - the video of yours will become available to public immediately.
> Do not attempt to search for me - there is completely no point in that. All cryptocurrency transactions remain anonymous at all times.
> Do not attempt reinstalling the OS on devices of yours or get rid of them. It is meaningless too, because all your videos are already available at remote servers.

Below is the list of things you don't need to be concerned about:
> That I will not receive the money you transferred.
- Don't you worry, I can still track it, after the transaction is successfully completed, because I still monitor all your activities (trojan virus of mine includes a remote-control option, just like TeamViewer).
> That I still will make your videos available to public after your money transfer is complete.
- Believe me, it is meaningless for me to keep on making your life complicated. If I indeed wanted to make it happen, it would happen long time ago!

Everything will be carried out based on fairness!

Before I forget...moving forward try not to get involved in this kind of situations anymore!
An advice from me - regularly change all the passwords to your accounts.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022


Calon PhD dan master mestilah merujuk hanya kepada refereed publications atau peer-reviewed articles. Hampir kesemua artikel dalam journal established berada dalam kategori ini. Thesis dan dissertasi juga considered refereed kerana disemak dengan ketat oleh committee dan external examiners serta melalui proses pembentangan dan viva.

Namun begitu, terdapat artikel seperti artikel prosiding atau projek tahun akhir tidak temasuk dalam kategori refereed materials.  Sayugia dinasihatkan supaya anda jangan memetik atau merujuk kepada sumber sebegini. Ini akan merendahkan nilai thesis anda. Jadi ketahuilah bahan yang anda rujuk utk tesis anda.

1. Kelas English Dewasa/Kerja & Tuition MUET/iELTs - RM69 shj!

2. Servis Proofread & Terjemahan Malay - B.Inggeris (Jurnal, Abstrak, Buku, etc)

3. Rewrite Tesis & Artikel / Transkripsi Audio/Video > Text/Subtitle

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Kalau anda tak faham matematik Tingkatan 5, takkan anda rujuk buku Tingkatan 3. Anda boleh rujuk buku Tingkatan 5 yang lain, ataupun buku yang lebih tinggi yang juga bincangkan konsep yang sama. Samalah dengan artikel bukan refereed mempunyai makam yang lebih rendah…. Maklumlah proceeding articles selalunya tidak melalui proses peer-reviewed.

Sebagai contoh, mungkin terdapat artikel yang dikeluarkan oleh jurnal dari sesebuah IPTA dalam mahupun luar negara, yang tidak menjalankan proses peer-reviewed secara  yang sewajarnya. Banyak artikel pelajar tahun akhir misalnya dimuatkan dalam jurnal tersebut yang hanya disemak oleh seorang supervisor sahaja. Jadi berhati2 bila merujuk kepada artikel sebegini.

Namun begitu, artikel prosiding sesuai dijadikan bacaan tambahan bagi mengetahui perkembangan terkini dalam bidang kajian anda, supaya anda lebih jelas position kajian anda. 

Selain prosiding, anda juga cuba elakkan petikan dari suratkhabar…. atau majalah…. yang hanya akan merendahkan credibility penulisan anda. Kedua2 ini dikategorikan sebagai sumber "bukan akademik".  Ini termasuk juga artikel2 umum dalam internet, termasuklah WIKIPEDIA.

Bayangkan jika pernyataan masalah anda hanya berdasarkan isu yang dipetik dalam akhbar tempatan…. seperti isu pembuangan bayi, rasuah dll… sedangkan isu tersebut mungkin disensasikan, bukan dari satu kajian yang mendalam, atau hanya diwar2kan dari kacamata ahli politik atau NGO. 

Pastikan anda telah membaca kajian2 lepas dan kajian2 inilah yang patutnya dikupas bagi menunjukkan adanya isu yang masih perlu dikaji. Nanti bukan saja isu tu jadi isu yang hanya tersimpan dalam suratkhabar lama..... thesis andapun jadi suratkhabar lama.....tak sapa nak rujukpun....

Ingat, kajian PhD bukan tujuan UTAMANYA untuk menyelesaikan masalah masyarakat dalam konteks praktikalnya…. tetapi sebagai bukti ilmiah anda telah menyumbang sesuatu kepada bidang pengetahuan anda… menjadikan anda seseorang yang mendalami dan mengembangkan pengetahuan dalam bidang kajian anda. Kajian PhD bukan kajian PERTAMA dan TERAKHIR…..

Ingat…. thesis yang baik akan terus berkembang dan thesis bukanlah permulaan dan pengakhiran bagi sesuatu isu atau masalah. Oleh itu, jgn libatkan diri dengan isu sensasi dalam membuat thesis.

Nasihat saya yang kerdil ini, cubalah berada dibarisan paling hadapan dalam bidang kajian anda, tetapi jangan melampaui sempadan, takut anda kehilangan punca atau terjebat dalam banyak ketakpastian. 


Contohnya anda mengkaji bidang 3D dalam persembahan multimedia pendidikan sains.  Carilah kajian yang menyentuh aspek terkini dalam implimentasi 3D yang masih luas belum diterokai dan bukan melampauinya seperti menguji keberkesanan persembahan 4D yang terlalu baru dan hanya diimplimentasikan secara terhad dalam panggung2 wayang yang terkawal sahaja. 

Apa tidaknya, tak ada kajian lagi dibuat dalam persekitaran 4D untuk tujuan pendidikan dan anda akan teraba2… faham kan?

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domingo, 9 de octubre de 2022

Compliment of the season

How is work going? I have a business deal to discuss with you , I will appreciate if you can revert back to me asap to enable me intimate you with all the previews . Hoping to hearing from you soon .
Best Regard ,
Dr Chase Medlion.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2022



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lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022

Payment from your account.


I have to share bad news with you.
Approximately few months ago I have gained access to your devices, which you use for internet browsing.
After that, I have started tracking your internet activities.

Here is the sequence of events:
Some time ago I have purchased access to email accounts from hackers (nowadays, it is quite simple to purchase such thing online).
Obviously, I have easily managed to log in to your email account (roymarguia.correo@blogger.com).

One week later, I have already installed Trojan virus to Operating Systems of all the devices that you use to access your email.
In fact, it was not really hard at all (since you were following the links from your inbox emails).
All ingenious is simple. ;)

This software provides me with access to all the controllers of your devices (e.g., your microphone, video camera and keyboard).
I have downloaded all your information, data, photos, web browsing history to my servers.
I have access to all your messengers, social networks, emails, chat history and contacts list.
My virus continuously refreshes the signatures (it is driver-based), and hence remains invisible for antivirus software.

Likewise, I guess by now you understand why I have stayed undetected until this letter...

While gathering information about you, I have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites.
You really love visiting porn websites and watching exciting videos, while enduring an enormous amount of pleasure.
Well, I have managed to record a number of your dirty scenes and montaged a few videos, which show the way you masturbate and reach orgasms.

If you have doubts, I can make a few clicks of my mouse and all your videos will be shared to your friends, colleagues and relatives.
I have also no issue at all to make them available for public access.
I guess, you really don't want that to happen, considering the specificity of the videos you like to watch, (you perfectly know what I mean) it will cause a true catastrophe for you.

Let's settle it this way:
You transfer $1650 USD to me (in bitcoin equivalent according to the exchange rate at the moment of funds transfer), and once the transfer is received, I will delete all this dirty stuff right away.
After that we will forget about each other. I also promise to deactivate and delete all the harmful software from your devices. Trust me, I keep my word.

This is a fair deal and the price is quite low, considering that I have been checking out your profile and traffic for some time by now.
In case, if you don't know how to purchase and transfer the bitcoins - you can use any modern search engine.

Here is my bitcoin wallet: 1ND3JTwUaYWhDjTuaAK8idmpmuRQGqAkB1

You have less than 48 hours from the moment you opened this email (precisely 2 days).

Things you need to avoid from doing:
*Do not reply me (I have created this email inside your inbox and generated the return address).
*Do not try to contact police and other security services. In addition, forget about telling this to you friends. If I discover that (as you can see, it is really not so hard, considering that I control all your systems) - your video will be shared to public right away.
*Don't try to find me - it is absolutely pointless. All the cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous.
*Don't try to reinstall the OS on your devices or throw them away. It is pointless as well, since all the videos have already been saved at remote servers.

Things you don't need to worry about:
*That I won't be able to receive your funds transfer.
- Don't worry, I will see it right away, once you complete the transfer, since I continuously track all your activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control feature, something like TeamViewer).
*That I will share your videos anyway after you complete the funds transfer.
- Trust me, I have no point to continue creating troubles in your life. If I really wanted that, I would do it long time ago!

Everything will be done in a fair manner!

One more thing... Don't get caught in similar kind of situations anymore in future!
My advice - keep changing all your passwords on a frequent basis

martes, 23 de agosto de 2022


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lunes, 22 de agosto de 2022




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Line ID@162hmucb


martes, 16 de agosto de 2022

Check out this job at Microsoft!

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2022

Did you receive my last mail? I contacted you for an investment in your country.

Reem B. Al Hashimi
PO Box 899
AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates

lunes, 25 de julio de 2022

Don't miss your unsettled payment. Complete your debt payment now.

Hi there!

I regret to inform you about some sad news for you.
Approximately a month or two ago I have succeeded to gain a total access to all your devices utilized for browsing internet.
Moving forward, I have started observing your internet activities on continuous basis.

Go ahead and take a look at the sequence of events provided below for your reference:
Initially I bought an exclusive access from hackers to a long list of email accounts (in today's world, that is really a common thing, which can arranged via internet).
Evidently, it wasn't hard for me to proceed with logging in your email account (roymarguia.correo@blogger.com).

Within the same week, I moved on with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems for all devices that you use to login to email.
Frankly speaking, it wasn't a challenging task for me at all (since you were kind enough to click some of the links in your inbox emails before).
Yeah, geniuses are among us.

Because of this Trojan I am able to gain access to entire set of controllers in devices (e.g., your video camera, keyboard, microphone and others).
As result, I effortlessly downloaded all data, as well as photos, web browsing history and other types of data to my servers.
Moreover, I have access to all social networks accounts that you regularly use, including emails, including chat history, messengers, contacts list etc.
My unique virus is incessantly refreshing its signatures (due to control by a driver), and hence remains undetected by any type of antiviruses.

Hence, I guess by now you can already see the reason why I always remained undetected until this very letter...

During the process of compilation of all the materials associated with you,
I also noticed that you are a huge supporter and regular user of websites hosting nasty adult content.
Turns out to be, you really love visiting porn websites, as well as watching exciting videos and enduring unforgettable pleasures.
As a matter of fact, I was not able to withstand the temptation, but to record certain nasty solo action with you in main role,
and later produced a few videos exposing your masturbation and cumming scenes.

If until now you don't believe me, all I need is one-two mouse clicks to make all those videos with everyone you know,
including your friends, colleagues, relatives and others.
Moreover, I am able to upload all that video content online for everyone to see.
I sincerely think, you certainly would not wish such incidents to take place, in view of the lustful things demonstrated in your commonly watched videos,
(you absolutely know what I mean by that) it will cause a huge adversity for you.

There is still a solution to this matter, and here is what you need to do:
You make a transaction of $1490 USD to my account (an equivalent in bitcoins, which recorded depending on the exchange rate at the date of funds transfer),
hence upon receiving the transfer, I will immediately get rid of all those lustful videos without delay.
After that we can make it look like there was nothing happening beforehand.
Additionally, I can confirm that all the Trojan software is going to be disabled and erased from all devices that you use. You have nothing to worry about,
because I keep my word at all times.

That is indeed a beneficial bargain that comes with a relatively reduced price,
taking into consideration that your profile and traffic were under close monitoring during a long time frame.
If you are still unclear regarding how to buy and perform transactions with bitcoins - everything is available online.

Below is my bitcoin wallet for your further reference: 1r8KDQsoFUWLdV1D2L1vc66YibNDrrYys

All you have is 48 hours and the countdown begins once this email is opened (in other words 2 days).

The following list includes things you should remember and avoid doing:
> There's no point to try replying my email (since this email and return address were created inside your inbox).
> There's no point in calling police or any other types of security services either. Furthermore, don't you dare sharing this info with any of your friends.
If I discover that (taking into consideration my skills, it will be really simple, because I control all your systems and continuously monitor them) -
your nasty clip will be shared with public straight away.
> There's no point in looking for me too - it won't result in any success. Transactions with cryptocurrency are completely anonymous and untraceable.
> There's no point in reinstalling your OS on devices or trying to throw them away. That won't solve the issue,
since all clips with you as main character are already uploaded on remote servers.

Things that may be concerning you:
> That funds transfer won't be delivered to me.
Breathe out, I can track down everything right away, so once funds transfer is finished,
I will know for sure, since I interminably track down all activities done by you (my Trojan virus controls all processes remotely, just as TeamViewer).
> That your videos will be distributed, even though you have completed money transfer to my wallet.
Trust me, it is worthless for me to still bother you after money transfer is successful. Moreover, if that was ever part of my plan, I would do make it happen way earlier!

We are going to approach and deal with it in a clear manner!

In conclusion, I'd like to recommend one more thing... after this you need to make certain you don't get involved in similar kind of unpleasant events anymore!
My recommendation - ensure all your passwords are replaced with new ones on a regular basis.